Submissions from 1895
Finding of facts by the Court of Claims in Congressional Case 9255, the Indiana Miami Indians v. United States.
Letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to compensation for the Indians of the Crow Creek reservation.
Letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to survey and segregation of the coal fields on the San Carlos Reservation.
Letter from the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, relating to the claim of Capt. John L. Bullis, late Acting United States Indian Agent at San Carlos Agency, Ariz.
Memorial from the Seneca Nation of New York Indians.
Memorial on behalf of the Sac and Fox Indians of the Mississippi residing in the State of Iowa, praying for such legislation by Congress as will secure to them the adjustment of their claims for their proportionate shares of the annuities and other moneys inuring to the Sac and Fox Indians of the Mississippi, under their treaties.
Resolution : Mr. Pettigrew
Resolution : Mr. Platt
Statements showing I. -- Appropriations made during the third session of the Fifty-third Congress (pp. 5-374). II. -- New offices created and the salaries thereof (pp. 376-394). III. -- Offices the salaries of which have been omitted, with the amount of reduction (pp. 376-394). IV. -- Offices the salaries of which have been increased, with the amount of such increase (pp. 395-401). V. -- Offices the salaries of which have been reduced, with the amount of such reduction (pp. 395-401). VI. -- Chronological history of the regular appropriation bills (pp. 402, 403).