Senate Miscellaneous Documents | University of Oklahoma College of Law


Submissions from 1874


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year 1873


Letter from the acting Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, accompanying a copy of a report of Inspector E. C. Kemble in relation to the condition of the Indians of the Siletz Agency in Oregon


Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, in relation to persons of African descent resident in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations on the 28th day of April, 1866


Letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, in relation to the expenditure of $100,000 for the support of the Great and Little Osage Indians


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, inclosing draught of a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to make transfer of certain funds belonging to the Kaskaskia, Peoria, Wea, and Piankeshaw Indians to the United States


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, accompanying a copy of a memorial of the Indians of Cattaraugus and Allegany reservations, in the State of New York, protesting against the passage of the House bill 1053, entitled "An act to authorize the Cattaraugus and Allegany Indians in the State of New York to lease lands, confirm leases, and quiet titles to their lands"


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, accompanying a letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and a report of the commission to establish the northern boundary of the Round Valley Indian Reservation in California in relation to said boundary.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, accompanying a statement showing the indebtedness on account of the Indian service prior to July 1, 1873.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, accompanying information in relation to the condition of the Kansas Indians recently removed to the Indian Territory


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, recommending the passage of a bill for the relief of the Chickasaw Indians.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, transmitting a draught of "a bill conferring exclusive jurisdiction over Indian reservations upon the United States courts, and for the punishment of crimes committed by and against Indians"


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, transmitting correspondence in relation to a bill for the relief of Joseph Dunlap.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, relative to Senate bill no. 680, for the relief of certain persons of African descent resident in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations.


Letter of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office, to Hon. W. M. Stewart, Committee on Public Lands, in relation to the bill (H. R. 1108) to amend the act entitled "An act to provide for the removal of the Flathead and other Indians from the Bitter Root Valley, in the Territory of Montana," approved June 5, 1872.


Memorial of chiefs and head-men of the Oneida Nation of Indians, asking the payment of certain sums of money claimed to be due the "Six Nations" of Indians under the treaties of 1838 and 1842


Memorial of Indian delegates from the Indian Territory protesting against the adoption of the amendment proposed by the Senate to the bill (H. R. 2343) providing for the appointment of a superintendent of schools in that territory


Memorial of John Beeson, asking the appointment of a delegation, composed in part of women, to visit the Indian tribes and devise means to improve their condition


Memorial of P. P. Pitchlynn, Delegate of Choctaw Nation of Indians, upon the right of that nation to be paid the money awarded to it by the United States Senate on the 9th day of March, A. D. 1859.


Memorial of the Shawnee chiefs and council in relation to the lands in the Black Bob Reservation in Kansas, and asking the repeal of the 14th section of the act of July 15, 1870, making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June 30, 1871


Petition of citizens of California, praying a grant of occupancy of certain lands in Alaska, to be paid for at a time to be fixed, to be used and occupied by what shall be known as the "Alaska Ship-Building and Lumber Company," for the purpose of ship-building, &c.


Protest of the president, councilors, and people of the Seneca Nation of Indians, made in their national council, against the passage of the bill (H. R. No. 3080) to authorize the Seneca Nation to lease their lands within the Cattaraugus and Allegany reservations, and to confirm existing leases


Resolution authorizing Committee on Territories to sit during recess, for purpose of investigating matters relating to Indian Territory


Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Morris County, Kansas, in favor of an amendment to the bill for the sale and disposal of the Kansas Indian lands in Morris County, Kansas, so as to make said lands taxable as soon as sold.


Resolution of the Legislature of California in favor of the establishment of an Indian reservation in Siskiyou County.


Resolution of the Legislature of Kansas, in favor of the immediate payment of certain adjusted claims of citizens of Kansas for Indian depredations.


Resolution of the Legislature of Kansas, in favor of the transfer of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the War Department

Submissions from 1875


Letter from the acting Secretary of the Interior to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, communicating a letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs reporting the amount of expenses incurred in negotiating the treaty with the Ute Indians, under the act of April 23, 1874.


Letter from the acting Secretary of the Interior to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, transmitting a report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, giving an estimate of the amount of the appropriation required to pay the amount due James W. Terrell, as disbursing agent for paying the North Carolina Cherokee Indians under the act of June 29, 1848.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, addressed to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, calling attention to the provisions of the tenth section of the act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department for the year ending June 30, 1876, and suggesting an amendment thereto so as to include all Indian agents and subagents in its provisions.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, in relation to the removal of the Pawnee Indians from the State of Nebraska to the Indian Territory, and the sale of their lands in said state.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, transmitting a communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs giving an estimate of an appropriation required for the education and civilization of the Indians of the Central Superintendency.


Memorial of citizens of the Cherokee Nation, remonstrating against the establishment of a territorial government over them.


Memorial of citizens of the Chickasaw Nation, remonstrating against the organization of a territorial government for the Indian Territory.


Memorial of citizens of the Creek Nation, remonstrating against the establishment of a territorial government for the Indian Territory.


Memorial of members of the Cherokee Nation of Indians, praying for the appointment of a commission to inquire into alleged irregularities officers and agents intrusted with the management of certain funds belonging to that nation


Memorial of Pottawatomie Indians, praying payment, as provided by treaty, for depredations committed upon their reservation in Kansas


Memorial of P. P. Pitchlynn, Choctaw delegate, accompanying a memorial of the Choctaw Council, asking payment of the award made to the Choctaw Nation March 9, 1859.


Memorial of the Legislature of Oregon, asking aid for the construction of a military wagon-road between Ashland and Hot Springs, in that state.


Memorial of the Legislature of Oregon, asking compensation for spoliations committed by the Modoc Indians.


Memorial of the Legislature of Oregon, asking the passage of an act to extinguish the title to the Umatilla Indian Reservation.


Protest of the Osage Nation of Indians, against the establishment by Congress of a territorial government of the United States over the Indian nations


Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1873-4 and 1874-5.


Resolution for appointment of committee to visit Indian Territory during recess of Senate [at end of volume]


Resolution : Mr. Ingalls


Resolution of the Legislature of Kansas, asking a grant of sixty-nine sections of public lands to that state for school purposes, in lieu of the Cherokee neutral lands.


Resolution of the Legislature of Kansas, in favor of the establishment of a United States district court for the Indian Territory.

Submissions from 1876


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year 1875.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to Hon. William B. Allison, Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, transmitting a copy of a letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and draught of bill to authorize the use of a portion of the funds belonging to the Great and Little Osage Indians; also copies of letters in relation thereto.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, communicating information in relation to the present condition of the Apache Indians in New Mexico.


Memorial of citizens of Arkansas, remonstrating against the establishment of a United States court in the Indian Territory.


Memorial of Delegates of the Wyandotte Indians, praying that provision be made for the payment of all moneys due to said tribe under and by virtue of existing treaty; also, letter of the Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs in relation to the amount due the said Wyandotte Indians.


Memorial of the Chippewa Indians of Turtle Mountain, Dakota Territory, praying for the segregation and confirmation of a certain tract of their land to them, and that certain provisions be made for their protection


Memorial of the Choctaw Nation, praying the settlement of its claim arising under the treaty of 1855.


Memorial of the Creek Delegation, in relation to funds due the "Creek orphans," under the Creek Treaty of 1832 and the Act of March 3, 1837.


Report of the Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting, in obedience to law, a statement of all judgments rendered by said court for the year ending December 4, 1876


Resolution of condolence of the Legislature of Texas, in relation to the massacre of General G. A. Custor and his men.


Resolution of Senator Clayton


Resolution of Senator Maxey


Resolution of the Legislature of Kansas, asking the adjustment and settlement of certain claims arising from Indian depredations.


Resolution of the Legislature of Kansas, asking the right of way through the Indian Territory for two certain lines of railroads.


Statement of receipts and disbursements of the United States Government from January 1, 1834, to June 30, 1875.


United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Part IV. Report of the Commissioner for 1875-1876

Submissions from 1877


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year 1876


Letter from the Commissioner of Pensions, addressed to the Chairman of the Committee on Pensions, in relation to the number of survivors of the Seminole, Black Hawk, and Florida Wars, and of the Mexican War.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, in relation to the final report of Professor Walter P. Jenney, of explorations in the Black Hills, Dakota, in 1875.


Memorial of delegates and agents of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations of Indians, remonstrating against the passage of Senate bill no. 107, to enable Indians to become citizens.


Memorial of the Choctaw Nation, asking for the settlement of its claim arising under the Treaty of 1855


Petition of members of the Chickasaw Nation of Indians, residing in the Choctaw district, praying for an equitable division of the school-funds belonging to said Indians.


Report of the Clerk of the Court of Claims, communicating, in obedience to law, a statement of all judgments rendered by said court for the year ending December 3, 1877.


Resolution Of Senator Davis


Resolution Of Senator Teller


Resolution of the Legislature of Kansas, in favor of an appropriation out of the Indian-civilization fund to pay attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by settlers on the Osage ceded lands in that state in defending their titles, and for the prosecution of certain suits against certain railroad companies in the United States Courts

Submissions from 1878


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing, the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year 1877.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, in relation to a removal of Kickapoo Indians.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, transmitting a copy of a report of a commission appointed in pursuance of law to appraise certain lands in the Indian Territory lying west of the 96th degree of west longitude.


Memorial of delegates from the Indian Territory, protesting against the passage of the bill to organize the Territory of Oklahoma.


Memorial of the Choctaw Nation, asking for a settlement of their claims arising under the Treaty of 1855.


Remonstrance of the Seminole and Creek delegates against the passage of Senate bill No. 107, to enable Indians to become citizens of the United States.


Report of the Clerk of the Court of Claims, communicating, in obedience to law, a statement of judgments rendered by said court for the year ending December 2, 1878


Resolution and Amendment of Senator Voorhees and Senator Dorsey


Resolution and Amendment of Senator Voorhees and Senator Dorsey


Resolution of Senator Mitchell


Resolution of Senator Patterson

Submissions from 1879


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year 1878


Letter from the Chief Clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting, in obedience to law, a statement of all judgments rendered by said court for the year ending November 29, 1879


Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, communicating information in relation to the escape of the Cheyenne Indians from Fort Robinson


Memorial of I. L. Garvin, Principal Chief of Choctaw Nation, remonstrating against the establishment of territorial governments in the Indian Nations, Indian Territory


Memorial of the delegates of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole Nation of Indians, remonstrating against the passage of Senate bill No. 1802 to establish a United States Court in the Indian Territory, and for other purposes


Memorial of the "Old Settler," or "Western" Cherokee Indians, praying for a settlement and payment of the balance claimed to be due them from the United States under the treaties of 1835-'36 and 1846


Memorial of the State Grange of Texas, praying that all treaty stipulations between the United States and the Indians in the Indian Territory may be strictly adhered to and observed in every particular


Petition of B. F. Overton, Delegate from the Chickasaw Nation of Indians, praying that the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to issue a United States Indian Trust-fund Registered Bond, bearing interest at the rate of a per centum per annum, and to fund the present Indian trust-fund stocks and bonds at their face value; and that the Secretary of the Interior be authorized to invest all money now held, or that may come into his possession on account of redemption of bonds or stocks belonging to the trust-funds of Indian nations, in like bonds of the United States


Resolution in the nature of a memorial of the Legislature of Nebraska, praying for legislation for the removal of a certain portion of the Sioux Tribe of Indians from certain lands in Knox County, in that state, and that the title to said lands may be restored to that county


Resolution of Senator Allison


Resolution of Senator Rollins


Resolution of Senator Vest


Resolution of Senator Walker


Testimony as to the claim of Ben Holladay for losses and damages sustained by him on the Overland stage line during the years 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, and 1866, with memorial, affidavits, letters, &c., taken under the resolution of the Senate of March 12, 1878


Testimony taken by committee appointed to consider expediency of transferring Indian Bureau to War Department


United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Part VI. Report of the Commissioner for 1878.

Submissions from 1880


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year 1879