Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal
Volume 7, Number 1 (2021)
Editor's Introduction & Front Pages
Piper Hampton
The Impact of RCRA and McGirt on Tribal Solid Waste Regulations
Jonathan W. Reiswig
Case Note on Citgo Asphalt Refining Co. v. Frescati Shipping Co., 140 S. Ct. 1081 (2020)
Yuanyuan Zhang
Are You In or Are You Out? An International Comparison of Nuclear Integration or Discontinuation
Tyler Self
That T-Rex Is Mine! A Note on the Montana Supreme Court Decision Murray v. BEJ Minerals, LLC
Bryce Hayden
Finding Our New Normal: Reevaluating Force Majeure Within Oil and Gas Contracts in the Wake of COVID-19
Piper Hampton

Piper Hampton
Managing Editor
Wesley Hazen
Articles Editors
Sydney Bale
Emillie Oberlander
Jessie Washam
Joshua Ridgway
Case Editors
Bryce Hayden
Yuanyuan Zhang
Grace Tucker
Kale Hajek
Submissions Editor
Tyler Self
Symposium Editor
Joe Krodel
Operations Editor
Jonathan Reiswig
Media Editor
Sydney Bale
Faculty Advisor
Alex Pearl