Volume 68, Number 1 (2015) Symposium: Chae Chan Ping v. United States: 125 Years of Immigration’s Plenary Power Doctrine
Chae Chan Ping at 125: An Introduction
Kit Johnson
Why Immigration’s Plenary Power Doctrine Endures
David A. Martin
Immigration in the Supreme Court, 2009-13: A New Era of Immigration Law Unexceptionalism
Kevin R. Johnson
Scalia’s Short Reply to 125 Years of Plenary Power
Michael Scaperlanda
Chae Chan Ping v. United States: Immigration as Property
Rose Cuison Villazor
Elusive Equality: Reflections on Justice Field’s Opinions in Chae Chan Ping and Fong Yue Ting
Victor C. Romero
“Vast Hordes . . . Crowding in Upon Us”: The Executive Branch’s Response to Mass Migration and the Legacy of Chae Chan Ping
Margaret H. Taylor and Kit Johnson
Alex Duncan
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