Volume 65, Number 2 (2013)
A Reasonable Doubt About "Reasonable Doubt"
Miller W. Shealy Jr.
Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places: A Call to Reform State Law on Sex Trafficking
Kristian Bryant Rose
Andrew James Morris
Managing Editor
Emily A. Stoner
Executive Articles Editor
Scott M. Delaney
Articles Editors
Tiffanie N. Choate
Jared R. Ford
Allison E. Osborn
Notes & Comment Editors
Nathan A. Allred
Lauren E. Hammonds
Alexandria A. Polk
Symposium Editor
Emily Virgin
Assistant Articles Editors
Tanner W. Hicks
Ashley Lauren Powell
Shannon M. Slagle
Assistant Managing Editors
Jeremy B. Albright
Craig N. Brackeen
Patrick G. Colvin
Dylan Charles Edwards
Morgan Elizabeth Lankford
Sarah MacNiven
Research Editor
Tracey Ann Wirmani
Topic Editor
Brandon Davis Kemp
Business & Marketing Editor
Henry D. Benton
Wayne Billings
Selby Phillips Brown
Jason L. Callaway
Brooke Anne Churchman
Kelly Elizabeth Collins
Mitchell H. Craft
Megan Michele Decker
Christopher B. Frantze
Alyssa Dawn Fugitt
Adlai M.K. Groves
Zachary A. Halbur
Andrew Elias Henry
Anna E. Imose
Adrianna B. Jenson
Christina K. Killeen
Charles V. Knutter
Harrison M. Kosmider
Katelyn Melissa Langwell
Brian Thomas Lepak
Brett Patrick Merritt
Michelle L. Nabors
Tara M. Niendorf
Cody Dean Ott
Carrie Savage Phillips
Jefferson Paul Powell
Kristian Bryant Rose
Emily Denise Semands
Kasey Leigh Stricklin
Alexandra A. Treadgold
Editorial Advisor
Michael F. Waters, M.A.