Volume 57, Number 4 (2004)
Front Matter
Attorney Fees: Attorney Fees, Prevailing Parties, and Judicial Discretion in Oklahoma Practice: How It Is, How It Should Be
Jami Rhoades Antonisse
Civil Procedure: Medical Malpractice Gets Eerie: The Erie Implications of a Heightened Pleading Burden in Oklahoma
Dace A. Caldwell
Recent Developments in Oklahoma Law
Recent Developments in Oklahoma Antitrust Law
D. Kent Meyers and Jennifer A. Dutton
Antitrust Law: Indirect Purchaser Standing to Sue in Oklahoma - Major v. Microsoft Corp.
Keith D. Tracy and Ronald L. Walker
Recent Developments in Oklahoma Class Action Law
Jim T. Priest and Michael R. Pacewicz
Drug-Detection Dogs, Traffic Stops, and the Fourth Amendment
Michael J. Fields
Christian v. Gray: The Oklahoma Supreme Court Accepts the Daubert Standard
Debra W. McCormick and Randon J. Grau
Potential Abrogation of Attorney-Client Privilege in Oklahoma as a Result of HIPAA
Alexander M. Bednar
Oil and Gas Law: Recent Oklahoma Cases Interpreting Oil and Gas Joint Operating Agreements
Mark D. Christiansen
The Impact of Recent U.S. Supreme Court Punitive Damages Jurisprudence on Oklahoma's Punitive Damages Statute and Jury Instructions
Andrew C. Jayne
Oklahoma Uniform Securities Act of 2004
Stephanie Chapman and Stephen Hetrick
A Review of Oklahoma's 2003 and 2004 Tort Reform
Beth Reynolds
Jodi M. Warmbrod
Managing Editor
Jami Rhoades Antonisse
Articles Editors
Melissa Alcorn, Ph.D.
Jeran E. Steuart
Note Editors
Dace A. Caldwell
Daniel P. Johnson
Allison C. McGrath
Recent Developments Editor
Huma T. Yasin-Yunus
Online Editor
H. Anne Nicholson
Indexing Editor
Elizabeth W. Carroll
Writing Competition Editor
Raina A. Nasreddine
Topics Editor
Whitney Kerr
Marketing Editor
Jeremiah Mayfield
Assistant Managing Editors
Bobbi L. Grell
Courtney M. King
Jason J. Tupman
Assistant Articles Editors
Jamie A. Mathew
Kristopher R. Tate
Assistant Note Editors
Marcy M. Fassio
Elizabeth J. Barnett
Joel Bulleigh
Ross Chaffin
Travis R. Chapman
Cori Creekmore
Brad K. Cunningham
Erin C. Dixon
Talitha Ebrite
Heather L. Finstuen
Benjamin Fu
Scott A. Hodges
Mark B. Houts
Amber Hurst
John B. Jenkins
Julia Johnson
Andrew K. Kernan
Alison R. McCalla
Eric M. Meyer
Misty Ambrose Montgomery
Kristen M. O'Connor
Andrew B. Peterson
Cherish Ralls
John Rogers
Tom R. Russell
Joshua D. Smith
Eric C. Swenton
Editorial Advisor
Michael F. Waters, M.A.