Volume 49, Number 2 (1996)
Front Matter
The Oklahoma Estate Tax: Modest Proposals for Change
Mark R. Gillett
"Other Accident" Evidence in Product Liability Actions: Highly Probative or an Accident Waiting to Happen?
Robert A. Sachs
A Congressional Call to Arms: The Time Has Come for Congress to Enforce the Fifth Amendment's Takings Clause
Mark W. Smith
Adoption Law: Congratulations for Now--Current Law, the Revised Uniform Adoption Act, and Final Adoptions
Eric C. Czerwinski
Attorneys: The Americans with Disabilities Act Should Not Impair the Regulation of the Legal Profession Where Mental Health Is an Issue
Kelly R. Becton
Paige Stratton Bass
Managing Editor
Richard L. Wynne, Jr.
Chief Article and Book Review Editor
Stacey Spivey
Chief Note Editor
Christa L. Britton
Research Editor
William D. Fisher
Indexing Editor
Walter D. Miller
Assistant Article Editor
Kimberly Jones Cilke
Note Editors
Erika Blomquist Scott A. Briggs Aditi Dravid Charles Goodwin Gina M. Henry Don Howerton Jeannie Pinkston Jeff L. Todd Timothy Wilson
Assistant Managing Editors
Lori Lindsey Paige Queen
Steven Ashmore Michael R. Barnett Kelly Becton Jana B. Bowman Seth Branham Heiko E. Burow Kym Carrier Amy Cleek Eric Czerwinski Lisa DiIorio Brent C. Eckersley Matthew Free Matthew Thomas Geiger Jennifer Gideon David Harris Brian Henderson Stephen Hines Trish A. Misak Christopher T. Moore James Muenker Robert Redwine Brooks Richardson Eric Smith John Stiner Cody L. Towns Michael Derek Zolner
Editorial Advisor
Michael F. Waters, M.A.