The Serial Set is a compilation of U.S. Congressional publications published by the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives about the bills and resolutions involved in lawmaking. It also includes reports of executive departments, government-funded institutions, and other independent organizations. Documents in the Serial Set are arranged in numeric series chronologically (not topically). This collection offers detailed contemporaneous documentation of political, military, and governmental activities related to indigenous peoples of the continental United States and Alaskan territory during the 19th century. These government documents were scanned from the print collections of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and the University of Oklahoma Libraries. They were identified using Steven L. Johnson’s bibliography, Guide to American Indian Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899, published by Clearwater Publishing Company in 1977. Permission for use of descriptive subject annotations was granted by ProQuest LLC as successor in title to ownership of this publication. Individuals responsible for creating the database are Marilyn K. Nicely, Retired Law Librarian for Native American Digitization at the University of Oklahoma Donald E. Pray Law Library; Steve Beleu, retired librarian, Oklahoma Department of Libraries; Jeffrey Wilhite, Documents Librarian at the University of Oklahoma Libraries; Elaine B. Bradshaw, Librarian and Digital Repository Manager, University of Oklahoma Donald E. Pray Law Library; and student workers, Sarah K. Capps and Jared Johnson.
Submissions from 1892
Report : Petition of 0. Goodwin
Report : Petition of A. Northrup
Report : Petition of E. Carpente
Report : Petition of H. Heinze
Report : Petition of J. Granberry
Report : Petition of J. Kirtley
Report : Petition of J. Offley
Report : Petition of J. Prator
Report : Petition of M. Hitchcock
Report : Petition of T. Williams
Report : Petition of W. Harllee
[Resolution Submitted by Mr. Platt]
Right of way through Indian Territory.
Right of way through Puyallup Indian Reservation
Right of way through the Umatilla Reservation
Right of way to Hutchison and Southern Rail-Road Company
Sale of Klamath Indian Reservation
Sale of stone and timber lands, etc
Sale of timber on certain lands in Wisconsin
Schools Within the Chickasaw Cession
Sections 3480 and 4716 Revised Statutes
Settlement of Accounts with Certain States
Southern Ute Indians, Colorado.
Spokane and Pelouse Railway Co.
Stockbridge and Munsee Indians
Stockbridge and Munsee Indians
Stockbridge and Munsee Indians.
Students at the Hampton Institute
Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill
Sundry civil appropriation bill
Survivors of the Indian Wars of 1832 to 1842, inclusive
Temporary government for Oklahoma
Tendoy, Chief of the Bannock, Shoshone, and Sheepeater Tribe of Indians
Third division of the District of Kansas
Uncompahgre Indian Reservation
Watertown, Sioux City, and Duluth Railway Co.
White Mountain Apache Indian Reservation
William M. Shimmins and George H. McPherson
Yuma Pumping Irrigation Company
Submissions from 1893
Action of troops in the Cherokee Strip.
A geological reconnoissance in central Washington.
Agreement Between Certain Indians
Allotment of lands to certain Indian tribes.
Amending section 5391, Revised Statutes.
Amendment to the timber-culture laws.
Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1892.
Annual Report of the Attorney-General of the United States for the year 1893
Applicants for Indian-war pensions.
Appropriation for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes.
Certain public land in Montana.
Cherokee claimants to purchase tracts of land
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company.
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company.
Choctaw Coal and Railway Company.
Civil list: method of appointment and term and tenure of office.