The Serial Set is a compilation of U.S. Congressional publications published by the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives about the bills and resolutions involved in lawmaking. It also includes reports of executive departments, government-funded institutions, and other independent organizations. Documents in the Serial Set are arranged in numeric series chronologically (not topically). This collection offers detailed contemporaneous documentation of political, military, and governmental activities related to indigenous peoples of the continental United States and Alaskan territory during the 19th century. These government documents were scanned from the print collections of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and the University of Oklahoma Libraries. They were identified using Steven L. Johnson’s bibliography, Guide to American Indian Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899, published by Clearwater Publishing Company in 1977. Permission for use of descriptive subject annotations was granted by ProQuest LLC as successor in title to ownership of this publication. Individuals responsible for creating the database are Marilyn K. Nicely, Retired Law Librarian for Native American Digitization at the University of Oklahoma Donald E. Pray Law Library; Steve Beleu, retired librarian, Oklahoma Department of Libraries; Jeffrey Wilhite, Documents Librarian at the University of Oklahoma Libraries; Elaine B. Bradshaw, Librarian and Digital Repository Manager, University of Oklahoma Donald E. Pray Law Library; and student workers, Sarah K. Capps and Jared Johnson.


Submissions from 1868


Union Pacific Railroad. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the House of February 4, relative to reports of the Union Pacific and other railroads to be made according to law.

Submissions from 1869


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year 1868.




Appropriations for Crow Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimates required to fulfil treaty stipulations with the Crow Indians


Appropriations for Sac and Fox Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting estimates of appropriations required to fill treaty stipulations with Sac and Fox Indians


Appropriations for Seneca and Shawnee Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting estimates for treaty stipulations with the Shawnee and Seneca Indians


Appropriations for the Creek Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting estimate of appropriations required for carrying out treaty stipulations with the Creek Indians


Appropriations for Ute Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting letter from Commissioner of Indian Affairs with estimates for appropriations for Ute Indians


Appropriations, New Officers, &c. Statements showing, I. Appropriations made during the third session of the Fortieth Congress. II. Officers created and the salaries thereof. III. The offices the salaries of which have been increased, with the amount of such increase, during the same period


Appropriations, new officers, Etc


Claim of Kansas. Statement in reference to the claim of the State of Kansas, for indemnification for expenses incurred in the support of her militia during the rebel invasion in 1864. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 112.)


Deficiency for Indian Service in New Mexico. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 1910.)


Department of Indian Affairs. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 1795.) Memorial of yearly Meetings of the Society of Friends, relative to the treatment of the Indians


Disbursements for Indian service. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior transmitting tabular statement of disbursements by superintendents and agents on account of Indian service for the year ending June 30, 1869


Flathead Indians. Memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Montana, for the removal of the Flathead Indians from the Bitter Root Valley, in the County of Missoula, to their reservation on the Jocko


Frederick Hall. Petition of Frederick Hall, praying confirmation of title to certain land in the State of Michigan, under treaty stipulations


Indian depredations in Utah. Memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Utah territory, praying for an appropriation to pay for Indian depredations and expenses incurred in suppressing Indian hostilities


International Pacific Railroad. (Bill H.R. no. 847.)


J. C. D. Blackburn. (To accompany H. Res. no. 419.)


John E. Reeside. (To accompany H. Res. no. 418.)


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, communicating a report of the commissioners appointed under the 13th article of the treaty between the United States and the Senecas and mixed Senecas, Shawnees, and other Indians, concluded February 23, 1867, to ascertain and report the amount of money due by the United States to the Wyandott Indians


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871. And of additional appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1870


Letter of the Chief Clerk of Court of Claims, communicating a statement of the judgments rendered in the Court of Claims for the year ending December 6, 1869.


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating an estimate of appropriation required to pay the expenses of a special agent to take the census of the North Carolina Cherokees, in accordance with the act of July 27, 1868


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating an estimate of appropriations for the Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux Indians at Lake Traverse and Devil's Lake, Dakota Territory


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating an estimate of appropriations required for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the northern Cheyenne and northern Arapaho Indians under Treaty of May 10, 1868


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating an estimate of appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the Sioux of Dakota, Arickarees, Gros- Ventres, and Mandans, Crows, and Yanktons


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating a report of the disbursements for the maintenance of peace among the various Indian tribes, under act of April 10, 1869.


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating a statement showing the number of clerks employed in that department during the last fiscal year, and the amount of compensation received by each.


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating correspondence relative to contemplated arrangements for the temporary subsistence of the native population of the islands St. Paul and St. George, Alaska


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, information concerning the remnant of the tribe of the Seminole Indians in South Florida


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of December 18, 1868, information in relation to the character of the Indians killed or captured by United States troops under the command of General George A. Custer


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 15th instant, a statement of the tracts of land selected by members of the Grand River Band of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, under Treaty of July 31, 1855


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 5th instant, the annual reports of the several Pacific railroad companies


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of this date, a copy of the report of the Special Commissioners upon the Central Pacific Railroad of California


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating, in compliance with the resolution of the Senate of the 14th ultimo, information in relation to the late battle of the Washita River


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating, in compliance with the resolution of the Senate of the 21st ultimo, a list of the Indian superintendents and agents, and designating the absentees from their posts


Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, in relation to the outstanding indebtedness that has been accruing for several years on account of Indian service in California


Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury. communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 15th ultimo, information in regard to the Territory of Alaska and the fur interests therein


Letter of the Secretary of War, communicating a copy of the report of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel M. V. Sheridan, upon the extremely destitute condition of the Osage Indians


Letter of the Secretary of War, communicating copies of reports upon Indian affairs in the military division of the Missouri


Letter of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of December 14, 1868, a statement in relation to the number of troops employed in connection with Indian hostilities in protecting the Missouri River traffic and the Union Pacific Railroad


Letter of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of December 14, 1868, information in relation to the late Indian battle on the Washita River


Letter of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of December 14, 1868, information in relation to the late Indian battle on the Washita River


Letter of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of December 14, 1868, information in relation to the late Indian battle on the Washita River


Letter of the Secretary of War, transmitting a copy of the report of Brevet Major General Harney upon the Sioux Indians on the upper Missouri


List of private claims brought before the Senate of the United States from the commencement of the Fourteenth to the close of the Thirty-Ninth Congress, prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate, pursuant to the orders of the Senate of April 9, 1840; February 27, 1841; February 8, 1846 March 3, 1855; and March 16, 1866; and the Act of July 20, 1868, making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June 30, 1869


Memorial of Headmen and people of the North Carolina or Eastern Cherokees, protesting against the ratification of the treaty concluded on the 9th day of July, 1868, between the United States and the Cherokees residing west of the Mississippi River


Memorial of Lewis Downing, principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, remonstrating against the settling of various Indian tribes on the Cherokee domain west of the 96th degree of west longitude


Message of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 21st ultimo, information in relation to the report of Brevet Major General William S. Harney upon the Sioux and other Indians congregated under treaties made with them by the special peace commission


Message of the President of the United States, in relation to the encroachments of the agents of the Hudson's Bay Company upon the trade and Territory of Alaska


Message of the President of the United States, with the reports of the Postmaster General and of the Secretary of the Navy, communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the second session of the Forty-first Congress, 1869.


Mineral Resources of the States and Territories. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the report of Rossiter W. Raymond on the mineral resources of the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains


Murder of an Indian. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of commanding officer at Camp Gaston, California, relative to the unprovoked murder of an Indian by a white settler


Pacific Railroads


Pay of the Agent for Crow Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting estimates of appropriations for agent of Crow Indians


Petition of Delegates of the Cherokee, Creek and Choctaw Indians, protesting against the passage of the bill to restore the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the Department of War


Pottawatomie Claims. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a report of commissioners under Pottawatomie Treaty of August 7, 1868, to examine the claims of said tribe


Railroad - Humboldt River to Portland. Joint Memorial of the Legislature of Oregon, asking aid in the construction of a railroad from the north bend of Humboldt River, in the State of Nevada, to Portland, Oregon


Report : Mr. Doolittle


Report of Commissioner of General Land Office, 1869


Report of Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1869


Report of the Secretary of the Interior, being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the second session of the Forty-first Congresss: Report of Secretary of Interior, 1869


Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the state of the finances for the year 1869


Report of the Secretary of War, being part of the message and documents communicated to the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the second session of the Forty-first Congress : Annual report of Secretary of War, 1869


Resolution of the Legislature of Kansas, in favor of the payment of claims for depredations committed by the Indians in that state


Resolution of the Legislature of Kansas, in favor of the transfer of the control and management of the Indians from the Interior to the War Department


Resolutions of the Legislature of Kansas, in favor of an appropriation for the payment of the claims of citizens of that state for depredations committed by the Indians


Resolutions of the Legislature of Kansas, in favor of dropping the names of certain Indians from the roll of their respective tribes, and that their lands may be subject to taxation


Resolutions of the Legislature of Kansas, in favor of the passage of laws for the protection of bona fide settlers on the Cherokee neutral lands


Sac and Fox Indian Trust Lands. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, in answer to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 13th instant, relative to Sac and Fox Indian trust lands


St. Paul and St. George, Alaska. Letter from Frank N. Wicker to Hon. Robert C. Schenck, with copy of report made to the Solicitor of the Treasury relative of the Islands of St. Paul and St. George, Alaska


Support of Indians


Suppressing Indian hostilities in Utah. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting report of expenses for suppressing Indian hostilities in Utah


Treaty with Crow Indians. Memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Montana, asking a reconsideration of the treaty with the Crow Indians


Treaty with Great and Little Osage Indians. Resolutions of the Legislature of Kansas protesting against the ratification of the treaty with the Great and Little Osage Indians


Trust funds of Choctaw Indians

Submissions from 1870


A. J. Campbell


Annie B. Ross and William P. Ross


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year 1869


Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the state of the finances for the year 1870.


Annuities withheld from Indian tribes. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior in answer to a resolution of the House of February 3, relative to annuities or other payments withheld from Indian tribes under act of Congress


A. P. Hotaling. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior transmitting report of Commissioner of Indian Affairs in relation to the claim of A. P. Hotaling for rent of land for the use of the Indian service in California.


Appropriation for Indian service. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior recommending an appropriation to pay certain claims that have been allowed and partly settled to extent of funds on hand


Appropriation for removal of Kaw Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior asking for an appropriation for the removal of the Kaw Indians from Kansas to the Indian Territory


Appropriations -- delegations of Indians to Washington. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior estimating for an appropriation to defray the expenses of delegation of Indians visiting Washington City and for the purchase of presents


Appropriations for Indian interpreters. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior transmitting copy of report from Commissioner of Indian Affairs, relative to deficiencies in appropriations for the pay of Indian interpreters


Appropriations for Indian Service in Montana. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior recommending an appropriation to pay an outstanding indebtedness on account of the Indian Service in Montana Territory


Appropriations for Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior inclosing a copy of a letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, asking for an appropriation of $250,000 for the purchase of subsistence for the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and other tribes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871


Appropriations for Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior transmitting copy of a letter from the Secretary of the Board of Indian Commissioners in relation to appropriations for Indians


Appropriations for Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior asking for an appropriation to pay to the upper and lower bands of Sioux Indians according to Treaty of June 19, 1858


Appropriations for Sioux Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior recommending an appropriation to pay vouchers approved by General Harney, on account of Indian Service in the Sioux Indian District


Appropriations, Indian service -- Fort Berthold Agency. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior recommending an appropriation to pay outstanding indebtedness on account of the Indian service at Fort Berthold Indian Agency


Appropriations, new offices, etc. Statements showing I. Appropriations made during the second session of the Forty-first Cong.. II. Offices created and the salaries thereof. III. the offices the salaries of which have been increased, with the amount of such increase, during the same period.


Black Bob Indian lands. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 181.)


Captain Samuel Adams. (To accompany bill H. R. No. 2585.) Communication from captain Samuel Adams relative to the exploration of the Colorado River and its tributaries.


Cavalry for New Mexico. Memorial from the Legislature of the Territory of New Mexico asking that Cong. will authorize the raising of two regiments of cavalry in said territory for defense against the Indians.


Cherokee Nation. Letter from Lewis Downing, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, in closing petitions of numbers of various tribes against a proposed territorial government over them.


Cherokee neutral lands. Argument of W. R. Laughlin.


Cherokee neutral lands of Kansas. (To accompany bill H.R. no. 1074.)