Submissions from 1893
Removal of suits from courts of Indian tribes.
Right of way through Yuma Indian Reservation, Cal.
Rights to settlers on certain lands in Oklahoma.
Sections 3480 and 4716, Revised Statutes.
Special judge in the federal court of Indian territory.
Stations and depots on certain railroads in the territories.
Sundry civil appropriation bill.
To repeal certain laws relating to permanent and indefinite appropriations.
Urgent deficiency appropriation bill.
Submissions from 1894
Additional grounds for station purposes in Indian Territory.
Agreement with Indians on Siletz Reservation
Agreement with Nez Perces Indians
Agreement with the Wichita Indians, etc
Agreement with Yankton Tribe of Sioux Indians.
Agreement with Yuma Indians in California
Albany and Astoria Railway Company.
Amending section 1 of the Act of May 14, 1890.
Brainerd and Northern Minnesota Railway Company.
Chippewa Indians in Minnesota.
Cities and towns in the Cherokee Strip, Oklahoma, to purchase public lands, etc.
Confederated Otoe and Missouria Indian Reservation
Correction of errors in allotments of lands to Indians, etc.
Edwin D. Chadick and R. T. Wilson & Co.
Gainesville, McAlister and St. Louis Railway Company.
Grant of public lands to Mississippi
Gray's Battalion of Arkansas Volunteers.
Increase of pension to survivors of the Mexican and Indian Wars and to their widows.
Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway.
Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway Company.
Kansas City, Oklahoma and Pacific Railway Company.
Kansas City, Oklahoma and Pacific Railway Company.
Leases on the Wichita, Kiowa, and Apache Reservations.
Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill.
Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas Railway Company.
Northern Mississippi Railway Company.
Oklahoma Central Railway Company.
Opening of Indian reservations to actual and bona fide homestead settlers.
Opening of Indian reservations to actual and bona fide homestead settlers.
Relief of citizens of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington.
Relief of the State of Minnesota.
Repeal of section 4716, Revised Statutes.
Right of way through Yakima Indian Reservation.
Right of way through Yakima Indian Reservation.
Settlers on the Cherokee Outlet.
Settlers on the Crow Creek and Winnebago Reservation in South Dakota.
Settlers on the public lands in Oklahoma.
Sundry civil appropriation bill.
Time of payment for lands of Omaha Indians in Nebraska.
War claims of California, Oregon, and Nevada.
Warm Springs Indian Reservation.
Winnebago Indians in Minnesota.
Submissions from 1895
Agreement with certain Indians.
Agreement with certain Indians in Oklahoma.
Arkansas Northwestern Railway Company.
Compromise and settlement between the United States and the State of Arkansas.