Submissions from 1883
Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill.
Mississippi, Albuquerque and Inter-Ocean Railway Company.
Right of way for railroad through Fort Smith Military Reservation.
Sale of timber on certain Menominee Indian lands.
Stockbridge and Munsee Tribe of Indians, in the State of Wisconsin
Sundry civil appropriation bill
To create three additional land districts in Dakota.
Submissions from 1884
Agreements with Sioux Indians.
Amounts due for supplies furnished to Sioux Indians of Minnesota.
Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology
Boundary line between a portion of the Indian Territory and the State of Texas
Brevet commissions for Indian campaigns.
Brevet Maj. Gen. W. W. Averell, U. S. A.
Certain land claim in New Mexico
Certain land claim in New Mexico
Certain settlers on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation, in Nevada
Citizenship in the Indian nations
Civil and criminal process of territorial courts in certain reservations
Claims for depredations committed by the Ute Indians
Disposal of Cherokee Reservation in Arkansas
Eastern and northern judicial districts of Texas
Elijah W. Dobbs, Mariano G. Samaniego, and H. C. Hooker.
Forfeited grants Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company
Forfeited grants Northern Pacific Railroad
Frederick Nelson, T. Caine, and Henry C. Sanders.
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company
James Q. Shirley and Francis De Long
John G. Fell, Edward Hoopes, and George Burnham
John M. Dorsey and William F. Shepard
Justices of the Supreme Court of Dakota
Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad Company
Kickapoo Indian lands in Kansas.
Laws of United States over territory south of State of Kansas
Leasing Indian lands to citizens of the United States, etc
Legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill
Memorial of Old Settler or Western Cherokees
Mexican and other war pensions
Mexican Pottawatomie Indians of Kansas
New York Indian lands in Kansas
Nez Perce and Bannock Indian wars.
Overton Love and Wyatt Gilschrist