
Submissions from 1897


Buildings at Navajo Springs, Colo. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior inclosing an estimate of appropriation for the erection of additional buildings at Navajo Springs, Colo.


Catalogue of the public documents of the 54th Congress, 1st session and of all departments of the Government of the United States for the period from July 1, 1895, to June 30, 1896.


Certain state bonds belonging to the United States. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a further reply to the House resolution of June 6, 1896, in relation to the payment of certain state bonds and stocks now belonging to the United States under the provisions of the Indian appropriation Act of August 15, 1894, with documents accompanying.


Claims allowed by accounting officers. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting schedules of claims, amounting to $114,876.81, allowed by officers of the Treasury Department.


Commission to negotiate with Crow, Flathead, and other Indians. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting estimate of appropriation for services of a commission to negotiate with the Crow, Flathead, and other Indians.


Condition of the work in the departments. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting communications relating to the work in the offices of the Supervising Architect, Auditor for the War Department, Comptroller of the Treasury, Treasurer of the United States, Surgeon-General of the Marine-Hospital Service, and the Light-House Board, and the condition of work in the departments.


David F. Day. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior relating to the reimbursement of David F. Day.


Deficiency estimates. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriations required by the several departments of the government to complete the service for the year 1897 and prior years, and for the Postal Service.


Delinquent officers, 1896. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting reports from the accounting officers of the Treasury Department giving lists of delinquent officers during the year 1896.


Department of the Interior. Water-supply and irrigation papers of the United States Geological Survey. No. 2.


Digest of decisions relating to Indian affairs. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting an estimate for an appropriation for compiling a digest of certain decisions and opinions relating to Indian affairs.


Fifteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1893-'94.


Index to the subjects of the documents and reports and to the committees, senators, and representatives presenting them with tables of the same in numerical order.


Indian depredation claims. Letter from the Attorney-General, transmitting a list of judgments in favor of claimants in Indian depredation cases, made since December 7, 1896.


Jurisdiction of United States Court for Western District of Arkansas. Letter from the Attorney-General, calling attention to a question of jurisdiction in the United States Court for the Western District of Arkansas, and recommending legislation.


Letter from the Acting Attorney-General, transmitting a list of judgments rendered in favor of claimants and against the United States and defendant Indian tribes, and not heretofore appropriated for.


Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting a report on agriculture in Alaska.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a copy of a report of United States Indian Inspector J. George Wright on the subject of the Montezuma Valley Canal and its capacity for irrigating land in the Southern Ute Indian Reservation.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a statement of the expenditures of the appropriation "contingent expenses, Department of the Interior," for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897.


Letter from the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, transmitting a detailed statement of the expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897, under the appropriations for "International Exchanges, National Museum, Astrophysical Observatory, and National Zoological Park.".


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting a combined statement of the receipts and expenditures of the government for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1897.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior recommending an increase in the estimate of the appropriation for the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of an appropriation for the survey of lands in the Indian Territory.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting urgent deficiency estimates relating to the Indian Service.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of deficiencies in appropriations required to meet the urgent demands of the government for the service of the current and prior fiscal years.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting reports from the accounting officers of the Treasury giving lists of officers who have been delinquent in the rendition of their accounts during the fiscal year 1897, stating causes, etc.; also giving the names of such officers as are delinquent in the payment of balances due the United States.


Memorial from the Wichita and affiliated bands of Indians. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and accompanying copy of a memorial from the Wichita and affiliated bands of Indians


Ogden Land Company. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a report and an accompanying letter from Philip C. Garrett, of Philadelphia, Indian Commissioner, relating to negotiations concerning the Ogden Land Company and Indian reservations in New York.


Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, with the annual message of the President transmitted to Congress, 1897.


Report of the Governor of Alaska, 1897


Report of the Governor of Arizona, 1897


Report of the Governor of New Mexico for the year ending June 30, 1897


Report of the Governor of Oklahoma, 1897.


Reports to be made to Congress. Letter from the Clerk of the House of Representatives, transmitting a list of reports to be made to Congress by public officers.


Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska. Pt. 1


Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska. Pt.2


Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska. Pt.3


Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska, Vol. IV


Seal and salmon fisheries and general resources of Alaska, Vol. IV


Statistical Abstract of the United States.


Survey of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting an additional estimate to complete the survey of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.


Survey of the lands of the Chickasaw Nation. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior transmitting an estimate of appropriation for the survey of the lands of the Chickasaw Nation.


Thirteenth report of the United States Civil Service Commission.


Transportation for Indian pupils. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting an estimate of appropriation to pay the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad for the transportation of Indian pupils.

Submissions from 1898


Account of Frank D. Lewis. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, with inclosures, a copy of a communication from the Attorney-General relating to the payment of the account of Frank D. Lewis.


Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1897.


Annual Report of the Attorney-General of the United States for the year 1898.


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution for the year ending June 30, 1898.


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution to July, 1897.


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution to July, 1897.


Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution to July, 1897.


Annual Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898.


Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances for the year 1898.


Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898; Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1898.


Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898; Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1898.


Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898; Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior, 1898.


Annual Reports of the War Department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898.


Appropriation for Commission to Crow, Flathead, and other Indians. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an urgent deficiency estimate of appropriation to continue the work of the commission to negotiate with the Crow, Flathead, and other Indians


Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission


Compilation of treaties in force


Contingent expenses of Interior Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a statement of the expenditures of the appropriation "Contingent Expenses, Department of the Interior.".


Contingent expenses of Interior Department. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a statement of the expenditures of the appropriation "Contingent Expenses, Department of the Interior.".


Expenditures of the Smithsonian Institution. Letter from the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, transmitting a detailed statement of the expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, under the appropriations for "International Exchanges," "North American Ethnology," "National Museum," "Astrophysical Observatory," and "National Zoological Park.".


Fifteenth report of the United States Civil Service Commission.


Fourteenth report of the United States Civil Service Commission.


Index to the subjects of the documents and reports and to the committees, senators, and representatives presenting them with tables of the same in numerical order.


John H. Koogler. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Attorney-General submitting an estimate of appropriation to pay John H. Koogler.


Judgments rendered against the United States. Letter from the Acting Attorney-General, transmitting a list of judgments rendered in favor of claimants and against the United States and defendant Indian tribes.


Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting certain petitions and communications, with recommendations in regard to the education of white and negro children in the Indian Territory.


Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting an estimate of appropriation for payment to boards on town-site entries in Oklahoma.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, calling attention to certain specified facts in connection with recent dealings of the government with the Sisseton, Wahpeton, and the Medawakanton and Wahpakoota Bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting a statement of the disbursements of the fund of the Creek Nation, as provided by the act approved June 7, 1897


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting certain agreements with Rosebud and Lower Brule Indians for a cession of lands and modification of existing treaties, together with drafts of bills relating thereto


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a copy of a draft of a joint resolution "to postpone the opening of the Uncompahgre Indian Reservation in the State of Utah," with a copy of a communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a report of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes relative to the Mississippi Choctaws.


Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting letters from the Commissioner of the General Land Office and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in relation to the clause in the Indian appropriation bill (H. R. 6896) which contemplates the allowance of free homes on certain lands acquired from various Indian tribes, etc.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Acting Attorney-General requesting a further appropriation to pay certain judgments of the Court of Claims in Indian depredation cases.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Attorney-General submitting an estimate of appropriation for salaries and expenses of United States courts, Indian Territory.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Attorney-General submitting a schedule of deficiencies in appropriations needed for sundry miscellaneous expenses.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of deficiency for Army and Navy pensions.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a schedule of claims allowed by the accounting officers of the Treasury Department since the report of January 6, 1898; also, for amounts due the Union and Kansas Pacific Railroad Companies and the Central Branch, Union Pacific Railroad Company.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriations required by the several departments of the government to complete the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, and for prior years, and for the Postal Service.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, for the consideration of Congress, a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an amended provision in relation to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting schedules of claims allowed by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department up to and including December 31, 1897, under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted, or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting supplemental estimates of appropriations to complete the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898.


Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the draft of a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to collect the amount of certain nonpaying state stocks and bonds now belonging to the United States.


Official opinions of the Attorneys-General of the United States, advising the President and heads of departments in relation to their official duties, and expounding the Constitution, treaties with foreign governments and with Indian tribes, and the public laws of the country.


Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, with the annual message of the President transmitted to Congress December 5, 1898.


Payment to certain of the Alsea Indians of Oregon. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, relating to the payment to certain of the Alsea Indians of Oregon their pro rata share of an appropriation placed in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of said Indians' permanent fund.


Protection of the people of Indian Territory. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, for the consideration of Congress, a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for carrying out the provisions of the act of June 28, 1898, entitled "An act for the protection of the people of Indian Territory, and for other purposes.".


Receipts and expenditures. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting a combined statement of the receipts and expenditures of the government for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898.


Report of the Governor of Alaska, 1898.


Report of the Governor of Arizona,1898.


Report of the Governor of New Mexico for the year ending June 30, 1898.


Report of the Governor of Oklahoma, 1898


Salaries, additional clerks, Indian Office. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for salaries of additional clerks in the Indian Office.


Salaries, Indian Territory Division. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior submitting an estimate of appropriation for salaries for the Indian Territory Division.


Statistical abstract of the United States. 1898. Twenty-first number. Population, finance, commerce, agricultural and other leading products, Mining, railroads and telegraphs, immigration, education, public lands, pensions, postal service, prices, tonnage, etc.