"Torts: Cases and Context, Volume Two" by Eric E. Johnson
Torts: Cases and Context, Volume Two

Torts: Cases and Context, Volume Two


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TC&C combines traditional casebook readings with straightforward, textbook-like explanations. The idea is that when students stop to puzzle over something, it should be because the law itself puzzles, not because the book obfuscates.

Students describe the book as easy to read. By being clear and straightforward, the casebook aims to quickly get students to the point where they can navigate regions of gray and build nuanced arguments.

Doctrine is explained upfront, before the cases. After cases, there's no notes-and-questions mishmash. Check-your-understanding questions, questions to ponder, historical notes, etc., are all organized under separate headings.

Readings mix classic cases with very recent ones, such as texting-and-driving and suddenly accelerating Toyotas. Varied primary sources include an opening statement, a closing argument, and an Navajo opinion on tribal law.

A key aim is context—showing how bits of doctrine fit into the bigger picture of tort law and how it all connects to the real world.

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Version 2.0


torts, casebook




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Torts: Cases and Context, Volume Two
