Volume 46, Number 1 (2022)
The Mess That Has Become Indian Gaming in Oklahoma
Lucas Meacham
A Case for Deference in American Indian Health Law
Ashley Murphy
Special Feature

Ashley Murphy
Managing Editor
Libby Smith
Executive Editor
Taryn Chubb
Business Development Editor
Lucas Meacham
Articles Development Editor
Mikaela Barns
Assistant Managing Editors
Alexis Barnes
Melanie McGruder
Lucas Meacham
Liberty Ritchie
Assistant Executive Editors
James Crawford
Dylan Hartsook
Grant Lowry
Kaylee Snyder
Research Editors
Alexis Barnes
Mikaela Barns
Competitions Editor
Melanie McGruder
Jacob Yturri
Member Candidates
Branden Blaylock
Andrew Case
Taylor K. Crossley
Justine Ellis
Thomas G. Hamilton
Alexander Hankhouse
Gabrielle Jones
Hilda Loury
Shelby Mann
Merit Marshall
Kianna Maxson-Udenze
Cole McDaniel
Jordan Medaris
Keiteyana Parks
Sheridan Patterson
Garrett Reynolds
Palmer Scott
Rebecca Sheetz
Grace Slaff
Samantha A. Tamura
AshLynn M. Wilkerson
Ashley Youngblood
Editorial Advisor
Michael F. Waters, M.A.