Volume 40, Number 1 (2016)
Protecting Tribal Skies: Why Indian Tribes Possess the Sovereign Authority to Regulate Tribal Airspace
William M. Haney
A Starving Culture: Alaskan Native Villages’ Fight to Use Traditional Hunting and Fishing Grounds
Jeffrey W. Stowers, Jr.
Lessons Learned: Avoiding the Hardships of Tribal Mineral Leasing in the Development of Oklahoma Tribal Wind Energy
Wyatt Swinford
Special Feature

Mallory Irwinsky
Managing Editor
Abilene Slaton
Executive Editor
Stephen Bergren
Articles Development Editor
Leslie Wesberry, Jr.
Articles Editors
R. Mitchell McGrew
Trey Brannan
Special Features Editor
Jacob Daniel
Special Projects Editor & Symposium Editor
Jeffrey Hendrickson
Writing Competition Editor
Marcelo Pendleton
Business Development Editor
Jonathan Wedel
Note Editors
Selby Rains
Joel Pruitt
Taymoor Pilehvar
Research Editors
Ryan Haynie
Kerstie Moran
Lauren Myers
Bryan Dixon
Cameron Johnston
Austin Osborn
Joseph Stall
Jane Um
Daniel Ashworth
Xavier Avery
Stephen Babcock
Joshua Baver
Terah Bielec
John Clifton
Maria Diaz
Natalie Gilbert
James Hall
Brooke Hamilton
Blake Jackson
Aspen Layman
Katie Little
Rebekah Martin
Tabitha Minke
Ryan Moser
Naomi Palosaari
Monique Pena
Stephanie Ray
Audrey Roth
Matthew Selander
Orion Strand
Lauren Swanson
Erin Thompson
Maggie Tully
Zach Underwood
Austin Vance
Michael Vecchio
Weston Watts
Evan Way
Natalie Ngoc Nguyen
Editorial Advisor
Michael F. Waters, M.A.