Volume 25, Number 1 (2000)
A Rough and Narrow Path: Preserving Native American Religious Liberty in the Smith Era
John Celichowski
A Discussion of the Application of FICA and FUTA to Indian Tribes' On-Reservation Activities
Robyn L. Robinson
"Merciless Indian Savages" and the Declaration of Independence: Native Americans Translate the Ecunnaunuxulgee Document
John R. Wunder
Square Pegs and Round Holes: Why Native American Economic and Cultural Policies and United States Intellectual Property Law Don't Fit
David B. Jordan
Custom, Tribal Court Practice, and Popular Justice
Elizabeth E. Joh
Surfing for Wampum: Federal Regulation of Internet Gambling and Native American Sovereignty
Jeffrey A. Dempsey
Recent Developments
Tribal Leaders Attend Historic National Repatriation Summit, Oklahoma City, June 8-9, 2000
Scarlet Wootton
Special Feature