"Contracts: Modern Pacts: A Multi-media Textbook for the Study of the L" by Brian McCall
Contracts: Modern Pacts: A Multi-media Textbook for the Study of the Law of Contracts

Contracts: Modern Pacts: A Multi-media Textbook for the Study of the Law of Contracts



The text is prepared to cover the major topics in a first year course in Contract Law for Juris Doctor Degree programs. It could also be used in an undergraduate or graduate level course covering contracts. The book includes heavily edited cases both of historical significance and recent vintage. The cases are edited to focus on the particular issues being studied. Several cases re-appear throughout the text in different chapters so that the isolation of the specific issue under consideration highlighted in the particular chapter is balanced with the goal of students understanding that real world cases usually involve multiple issues of law. When available on public internet sites, each case contains a link to the full opinion in the event a student wishes to read the entire case for context. The cases are supplemented with notes and questions that help the student understand the issues and concepts as well as appreciate some nuances rather than merely serving as a bibliography or catalogue of other cases and law review articles. In particular, the notes attempt to transform the cases from theoretical considerations into real client centered events. Pictures, videos, maps, and website links are often included to bring the cases to life. The book also includes an extensive collection of simulation exercises and problems in which students are asked to apply the principles learned to client scenarios. Some simulations are based on real cases that have been decided in court and others are wholly fictional. The book includes an appendix that provides extensive excerpts from the Restatement (Second) of Contracts and a few selections from the Restatement (Third) of Restitution. Links to publicly available online copies of the Uniform Commercial Code are also included. Thus, instructors will not need to assign a supplemental book to teach the class. This textbook will provide a Contracts Law teacher with all the essential tools to teach the subject in an innovative, engaging, active, and experiential manner.

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Contracts, First Year, Law, Textbook



Contracts: Modern Pacts: A Multi-media Textbook for the Study of the Law of Contracts
