Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal
Volume 5, Number 3 (2020)
Editor's Introduction & Front Pages
Veronica Threadgill
Breaking Joint Venture Agreement Deadlocks: Before the Texas Shoot-Out, Try a Texas Shout-Out
Norman Nadorff and Quinncy McNeal
A Regulating and Watchful Law: Oil and Gas Conservation Law & the North Dakota Industrial Commission
Grayson P. Walker

Veronica Threadgill
Managing Editor
Ashton Poarch
Articles Editors
Andrew Hiller
Andrew Rasbold
Daniel Tavera
Laura Waddill
Case Editors
Grady Block
Maxfield Malone
Anthony Purinton
Submissions Editor
Jamie Crandal
Symposium Editor
Hunter W. Mattocks
Operations Editor
Kelsee Kephart
Faculty Advisor
Megan W. Shaner