Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal
Volume 4, Number 4 (2018)
Editor’s Introduction
Collin McCarthy
Pennsylvania Gas: Trusts, Takings, and Judicial Temperaments
Joshua Ulan Galperin
The State of the US Energy Sector
Joshua D. Rhodes, PhD

Collin McCarthy
Managing Editor
Megan Douglah
Articles Editors
Slate Olmstead
Stephan Owings
Ben Warden
Megan Conner
Case Editors
Marshall Stone
Tristan Davis
Scott Kiplinger
Submissions Editor
Erica Grayson
Symposium Editors
Lina Khalaf
Kaleb Smith
Operations Editor
Jordan Wybrant
Media Editor
Dillon Hollingsworth
Member Candidates
Grady Block
Jamie Crandal
Andrew Hiller
Braden Hoffmann
Peyton Howell
Kelsee Kephart
Maxfield Malone
Blake Massey
Hunter Mattocks
Ashton Poarch
Anthony Purinton
Andrew Rasbold
Daniel Tavera
Veronica Threadgill
Laura Waddill