Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal
Volume 10, Number 1 (2024)
Editor's Introduction & Front Pages
Alexandra Jury
(Re-)Drill, Baby, Drill! Why Congress and BLM Should Encourage Geothermal Via Old Oil Wells
Jason W. Kersey
If It Ain’t Broke: Considering Legislatively Mandated Formula Rate Plans for Oklahoma’s Electric Utilities
Meredith Gunner
No Girls Allowed: How Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination Keep Women Out of Oil Fields
Alyssa Biasatti

Alexandra Jury
Managing Editor
Madelyn Musson
Submissions Editor
Jason Kersey
Articles Editors
Lisa Campbell
Madison Taylor
Lucia Kezele
Student Editors
Kohl Lester
Karim Yehia
Layni Thompson
Meredith Gunner
Mitchell Jacob
Diamond Mayberry
Andrew Ilemsky
Symposium Editor
Winchell Gallardo
Outreach Editor
Alyssa Biasatti
Media Editor
Reese Charles
Faculty Advisor
Joseph Schremmer