Volume 74, Number 3 (2022)
Against Corporate Activism: Examining the Use of Corporate Speech to Promote Corporate Social Responsibility
W.C. Bunting
How El Salvador Has Changed U.S. Law by a Bit: The Consequences for the UCC of Bitcoin Becoming Legal Tender
Brian M. McCall
Housing Injustice and the Summary Eviction Process: Beyond Lindsey v. Normet
Kathryn Ramsey Mason
Software v. Software: How Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act Threatens to Undermine Antitrust Law
Bailey S. Barnes

Robert L. Rembert
Managing Editor
Sarah M. Simpson (Oliver)
Executive Articles Editor
Tina Cannon
Articles Editors
Sarah B. Conley
Hilary Price
Jake Seidel
Notes & Comment Editors
Bailey Barnes
Madeline M. Cook
Amy Oltmanns
Assistant Articles Editors
Blaine Brewer
Lydia Butay
Heather Crabill
Charles Johnson
Garrett Reed
Assistant Managing Editors
Connor Andreen
Lauren Brown
Deborah Davis
Jennifer Isaacs
Kaisa Johnson
Sheldon Smith
Judiciary Committee
Blaine Brewer
Lauren Brown
Payton Roberts
Research Editor and Candidate Mentor
Payton Roberts
Symposium Editor
Rebecca Braun-Harrison
Topic Editor and Candidate Mentor
Garrett Reed
Staff Editors
Lydia Butay
Price Rowe
Candidates for Membership
Joseph M. Albert
Sarah Anderson
Devraat Awasthi
Adelaide J. Bell
Brian Bond
Brooks Cain
Catherine A. Cape
Maddison L. Craig
Ayla Delso
Kaleigh Ewing
Lindsey Gonzalez
Tabitha Haney
Logan C. Hibbs
Jennie Hill
Adam H. Hines
Kathryn Iverson
Macy Perry
Angela Powers
Nicholas Rinehart
Haley E. Ruiz
Emily Tubb
Alli Vandervorst
Matthew Welborn
Riley Wren
Editorial Advisor
Michael F. Waters, M.A.