Volume 70, Number 4 (2018)
Five Little Lessons in Lawyering from Thurgood Marshall
Ross E. Davies
Shoot First, Litigate Later: Declaratory Judgment Actions, Procedural Fencing, and Itchy Trigger Fingers
Robert T. Sherwin
FERPA Close-Up: When Video Captures Violence and Injury
Kitty L. Cone and Richard J. Peltz-Steele
Combating Prosecutorial Misconduct in Closing Arguments
Michael D. Cicchini
Frontier Feudalism: Agrarian Populism Meets Future Interest Arcana in the Land of Manifest Destiny
Gerard Michael D’Emilio

Mitchell B. Bryant
Managing Editor
Eleanor C. Burg
Executive Articles Editor
Cole McLanahan
Articles Editors
Gerard Michael D’Emilio
Devin L. Kerns
Jennifer B. Puckett
Notes & Comment Editors
Colby J. Byrd
Joshua R. Fanelli
Alexander Sokolosky
Assistant Articles Editors
Kaitlyn E. DeYoung
Kathryn E. Gardner
David R. Herber
Kellie R. Reidlinger
Peter A. Shadid
Skyler K. Sikes
Assistant Managing Editors
K. Christine Chevis
Lauren K. Clifton
Emilee N. Crowther
Ty E. Schoenhals
Michael P. Whaley
Judiciary Committee
Johanna F. Roberts
Emilee N. Crowther
David R. Herber
Research Editor and Candidate Mentor
Connor R. Bourland
Symposium Editor
Elizabeth M. Byrne
Assistant Symposium Editor
Gunner B. Joyce
Topic Editor and Candidate Mentor
Kathryn E. Gardner
Candidates for Membership
Amanda R. Broussard
Rebecca A. Bryan
Sarah Katherine Capps
J. Cooper Davis
Alan A. Fonseca
Jim V. John
Victoria A. Johnson
Thomas J. Joyce
Anthony W. Joyce
Eric Krampf
Micah G. Mahdi
Jake R. Martin
Allison Meinders
Phoebe Bess Mitchell
Maegan Murdock
R. Wil Norton
Hayley N. K. Parker
Katherine M. Raunikar
Ashley M. Ray
Shelby L. Rice
Christofer R. Slocum
Ashlyn Smith
Collen L. Steffen
Matthew Giovanni Stott
Paul A. Tortorici
Scott R. Verplank
Sean C. Wallis
Abbey D. Zuech
Editorial Advisor
Michael F. Waters, M.A.