Volume 70, Number 1 (2017) Symposium: Confronting New Market Realities: Implications for Stockholder Rights to Vote, Sell, and Sue
Megan Wischmeier Shaner
Panel 1: Right to Vote
Shareholder Voting in Proxy Contests for Corporate Control, Uncontested Director Elections and Management Proposals: A Review of the Empirical Literature
Randall S. Thomas and Patrick C. Tricker
Reevaluating Shareholder Voting Rights in M&A Transactions
Afra Afsharipour
Panel 2: Right to Sell
Selling Crowdfunded Equity: A New Frontier
Joan MacLeod Heminway
Selling Stock and Selling Legal Claims: Alienability as a Constraint on Managerial Opportunism
Charles R. Korsmo
Panel 3: Right to Sue
The Gatekeepers of Shareholder Litigation
Jessica Erickson
Objections to Disclosure Settlements: A How-To Guide
Sean J. Griffith and Anthony A. Rickey

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