Volume 67, Number 1 (2014)
Lessons from the NBA Lockout: Union Democracy, Public Support, and the Folly of the National Basketball Players Association
Matthew Parlow
The ADA Amendments Act of 2008: Why the Qualified Individual Analysis Is the New Battleground for Employment Discrimination Suits
Andrew E. Henry

Selby Phillips Brown
Managing Editor
Jason L. Callaway
Executive Articles Editor
Brett Patrick Merritt
Articles Editors
Kelly Elizabeth Collins
Adrianna B. Jenson
Katelyn Melissa Langwell
Notes & Comment Editors
Andrew Elias Henry
Carrie Savage Phillips
Emily Denise Semands
Symposium Editor
Charles V. Knutter
Assistant Articles Editors
Mitchell H. Craft
Christina K. Killeen
Harrison M. Kosmider
Assistant Managing Editors
Megan Michele Decker
Christopher B. Frantze
Adlai M.K. Groves
Zachary A. Halbur
Tara M. Niendorf
Alexandra A. Treadgold
Research Editor
Brooke Anne Churchman
Topic Editor
Anna E. Imose
Business & Marketing Editor
Jefferson Paul Powell
Kimberly Beight
Ryan E. Bratcher
Evan Chambers
Alex Duncan
Jenny Fehring
Kelsey Frobisher
Alyssa Dawn Fugitt
Erica K. Halley
Derek H. Haysom
Elizabeth Issacs
Chantel James
Joseph Blake Johnson
Amanda Jane Lee
Brian Thomas Lepak
Valeria G. Luster
Melissa R. McDuffey
Drew D. McNeil
Cody Dean Ott
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Schrick
Alexandra Shipley
Kasey Leigh Stricklin
Zachary T. Stuart
Blair L. Sutter
Eric Greg Odom
Elise N. Puma
Zayna A. Radwan
Zachary Ramsey
Ashley M. Schovanec
Jeff Vogt
Justin Ray Williams
Editorial Advisor
Michael F. Waters, M.A.