Volume 54, Number 3 (2001)
Front Matter
Criminal Law: Guilty of Something: Gilson v. State and the Death Penalty for Omission in Oklahoma
Carla Mullins
Recent Developments in Oklahoma Law
Introduction, Background, and Overview
C. Arlen Beam
Uniform Rules of Evidence (1999)
C. Arlen Beam and Leo H. Whinery
Procedural Rules Governing the Admissibility of Evidence
Reagan Wm. Simpson and Warren S. Huang
Presumptions and Their Effect
Leo H. Whinery
State Gladiators Go High Tech with Records--Will the Feds Follow?
Daniel R. Murray and Timothy J. Chorvat
The Mental Health Provider Privilege in the Wake of Jaffe v. Redmond
Robert H. Aronson

Jodi Fowler Jayne
Managing Editor
Stephanie Chapman
Chief Article Editor
Andrew Jayne
Assistant Article Editor
Dillon Curran
Chief Note Editor
Amy Schaffer
Note Editors
Rick Baker Sheila Barnes J. Craig Buchan Jim Dowell Aubree Helvey Carla Mullins Ron Shinn
On-line Editor
Frank Sullivan
Indexing Editor
Jason Baker
Research Editor
Erin McDaniel
Assistant Managing Editors
Natalie Fullbright Beth Fredericksen
Jeb Boatman Scott Byrd Michelle A. Carr Christine Cave Mitchell Coatney Robyn Funk Stephen Hetrick Cory Hicks J. Michael Hughes Rebecca Wood Hunter Marie Johnston Benjamin Labow Adam Marshall Amanda Maxfield Stasha McBride Amy Nelson Theodore Peeper Matthew Rodgers Jamie Rodgers Jennifer Scott Jennifer Short Michael Stewart Mark Worden Britta McAfee Wright
Editorial Advisor
Michael F. Waters, M.A.