
Volume 48, Number 2 (1995) Sixteenth Annual American Agricultural Law Association Educational Conference Symposium


Front Matter



The IRS Plows New Ground in the Tax Treatment of Land Cleanup Costs
Roy Whitehead, Pam Spikes, and Brenda Yelvington

OLR Vol.48 no.2 Masthead


Eric Scott Fisher

Managing Editor

Anthony J. Jorgenson

Chief Article and Book Review Editor

T. Mike Blake, Jr.

Chief Note Editor

Tammy B. Grubb

Research Editor

Andrea Digilio

Indexing Editor

L. David McBride

Assistant Article Editor

Koni Johnson

Note Editors

Michael Craig Adkins

Taraneh Astani

Jacqueline Ballinger

Tim S. Braley

Matthew Forbes

Jennifer Henderson-Callahan

Brent Johnson

Matthew Maddox

Assistant Managing Editors

Alan G. Holloway

Andrew Ingrum


Paige Stratton Bass

Kelly Becton

Jana B. Bowman

Scott A. Briggs

Erika Blomquist

Christa L. Britton

Kimberly Cilke

Eric Czerwinski

Aditi Dravid

William D. Fisher

Regina Gregory

Charles Goodwin

Gina M. Henry

Don Howerton

Lori Lindsey

Walter D. Miller

Trish A. Misak

James Muenker

Jeannie Pinkston

Paige Queen

John Rodgers

Stacey Spivey

Jeff L. Todd

Elizabeth Walsh

David Welsh

Timothy Wilson

Richard L. Wynne, Jr.

Editorial Advisor

Michael F. Waters, M.A.