Corporations and Other Business Associations: A Multimedia Approach
This innovative digital textbook is ideal for a course in Business Associations, or one more focused on Corporations or Unincorporated Business Entities, whether at the law school, graduate, or undergraduate level. It provides a wealth of materials that address significant matters of business law. Mindful of students’ time, as well as the limited number of hours in the classroom, the principal cases have been edited down to ten “pages” or less. The principal cases include hyperlinks to the full-text source material to satisfy (1) the curious student, or (2) the professor who desires to emphasize an aspect of the case lost to the editing process. Statutory provisions are included throughout the digital textbook, and links are provided to enable students to explore codes more deeply. Featured are the codes of California, Delaware, New York, Oklahoma, and Texas, as well as certain federal statutes, such as the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Included as appendices, with individual sections scattered throughout the digital textbook, are the Model Business Corporation Act and the Restatement (Third) of Agency. Excerpted secondary materials, such as law review articles and news articles, commonly include links to the full-text source.
Publication Date
business associations, corporations, business entities, securities, Model Business Corporation Act
Business Organizations Law
Recommended Citation
Cleveland, Steven J., "Corporations and Other Business Associations: A Multimedia Approach" (2023). Faculty Books and Book Chapters. 8.