The Criminal Law -- Table of Contents & Excerpt

The Criminal Law -- Table of Contents & Excerpt

Stephen Henderson


Suitable for a first-year course in the American law school curriculum or self-study, this book examines the core doctrines of the criminal law, including its ‘general part’ consisting of the justifications of punishment, the requirements of criminality, the criminal defenses, inchoate crime, and vicarious liability. It also examines a small portion of the criminal law’s ‘special part’ via criminal homicide and the crime of theft. American criminal law is a complicated subject that has evolved from the common law to statutes in a non-uniform and often messy manner, but the issues addressed are some of the most fundamental in any civilized society. Our government inflicts—in our name—pain, stigma, and even death. This book will equip anyone to understand the substance, though not the procedure, of these decisions. For further information, including what makes this book very unique among law school texts (a 'workbook' format), please see the book’s Preface. The excerpt here (best viewed in Adobe--View--Page Display--2 Page View) includes the front matter, a sample chapter, and the index.