Our Constitutional Constraints: Adjudication -- Table of Contents & Excerpt
Suitable for the American law school classroom or self-study, this book is about the criminal attorney—what the federal Constitution says prosecutors and defense attorneys can and cannot do in the adjudication of crime. It is also critically about what those actors ought to do in the adjudication of crime. The text proceeds as chronologically as possible through the process of a prosecution, beginning with pretrial release and the charging decision, considering trial preparation and the right to counsel, turning to the jury and then the defense, stepping back to consider guilty pleas and plea bargaining, and finishing off with double jeopardy and sentencing.For further information, including what makes this book very unique among law school texts (a 'workbook' format), please see the book’s Preface. The excerpt here (best viewed in Adobe--View--Page Display--2 Page View) includes the front matter, a sample chapter, and the index.