Volume 16, Number 1 (1991)
Front Matter
Halluctinations of Neutrality in the Oregon Peyote Case
Harry F. Tepker Jr.
Finality in Indian Tribunal Decisions: Respecting Our Brothers' Vision
Michael M. Pacheco
Can Indian Tribes Afford to Let the Bureau of Indian Affairs Continue to Negotiate Permits & Leases of Their Resources?
Ronald E. Johnny
Criminal Jurisdiction over Nonmember Indians: the Legal Void After Duro v. Reina
Douglas B. Cubberley
United States v. Renville: The Unsettling Condition of the Settled Law Applying the Assimilated Crimes Act to Indians
Sharon Womack Doty
Recent Developments

Rebecca Payne Wallace
Managing Editor
Stria Hart (Peakheart)
Federal Recent Developments Editor
Kathy Supernaw
Articles Editor
Verner W. Hayhurst Jr.
Book Review Editor
Larry E. Goins
Writing Competition Editor
Diane Allbaugh
Assistant Managing Editor
Steve Willis
Note Editor
Joy L. Lim
Associate Editors
Julie Simmons Shirley Gail Gunning